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Absolute external positional accuracy (Metadata field)

Accuracy of the position features i.e. closeness of reported coordinate values, to values accepted as being true. Maps to the metadata element Positional Accuracy in the previous ANZLIC Core Elements Version 2 (2001).

Abstract (Metadata field)

A descriptive summary of the content of the information asset in plain easy to understand terms. The description should contain information that may help the user decide if the resource fits their needs. It may include a description of the purpose for which the resource was created, and a textual description of the spatial extent of the data contained in the resource. The ‘Abstract’ field in the Metadata statement corresponds to the ‘Information asset description’ field in Information Asset Details.

Access constraints (Metadata field)

Historic metadata field in the previous DPI metadata templates, used to describe restricted datasets. Renamed ‘Usage Constraints’ (qv) in the IAR metadata templates.

Activity Stream

A grouping of like data that contains a number of related datasets, collected over a period of time. For example, native flora maps of a particular region over a number of years.

Alternative title (metadata field)

nformal name, short name or other language name by which the information asset is known. Example: "DCW" as an alternative title for "Digital Chart of the World”.

Collection of data

A grouping of like data that contains a number of related datasets, collected over a period of time. For example, native flora maps of a particular region over a number of years.

Completeness Commission (metadata field)

Excess data in the dataset, as described by the scope. For example, the Atlas of NSW Wildlife contains some records for Victoria and Queensland.

Completeness Omission (metadata field)

Data absent from the dataset, as described by the scope. Maps to the metadata element Completeness in the previous ANZLIC Core Elements Version 2 (2001).

Conceptual Consistency (metadata field)

Adherence to the conceptual schema rules. Maps to the metadata element Logical Consistency in the previous ANZLIC Core Elements Version 2 (2001). Inconsistencies could include for example, invalid placement of features within a defined tolerance, duplication of features or invalid overlap of features.

Conflict of interest

A conflict of interest is a situation in which a person or organisation is involved in multiple interests (financial, emotional, or otherwise), one of which could possibly corrupt the motivation of the individual or organisation.

Content types (Information Asset Details field)

  • Primary: Original data observed or collected by field survey, monitoring, remote sensing or other means.
  • Transactional: Structured content that supports business processes and workflows and is implemented using structured databases, which tend to be highly normalised and optimised for transactional performance. (E.g. financial data such as sales receipts and purchase confirmation)
  • Analytical: Structured content that supports queries and analysis and is implemented using structured databases, which tend to be purposefully de-normalised and optimised for query ease and performance, and often contains aggregated or derived information. (E.g. a financial report used for managerial analysis)
  • Authored: Unstructured content in a wide variety of formats, such as multimedia, application system programs or documents with embedded graphics. (E.g. a scientific paper)
  • Published: Unstructured content assembled and/or transformed from its component pieces, into a desired format and disseminated to a target audience and implemented using technologies that optimise discovery, search and retrieval. (E.g. a webpage)

Data Quality (Information Asset record tab)

Information about the level of accuracy, coherence, interpretability and accessibility of the information asset and its institutional environment; allowing users to determine whether the resource can meet their purpose or requirements.

Data Theme Classification

Asset classification derived from the names for theme folders and sub-folders in DPI's corporate P:/Drive, which is the network drive for all spatial data within DPI.

Date of Asset Creation (Metadata field)

The date that the identified information asset was acquired or created. This field corresponds to the ‘Original acquisition or creation date’ field recorded under Information Asset Details in the IAR.

Date of Next Update (Metadata field)

Scheduled revision date for the resource.

Datum (Metadata field)

Refers to the map projection system in which a spatial dataset is stored.

Distance (Metadata field)

For geospatial datasets, this is the ground sample distance. For example 10cm, 1m, 100m.

Edition (Metadata field)

The version number or edition number of the information asset. This field corresponds to the ‘Current version of information asset’ field recorded under Information Asset Details in the IAR.

Field of Research (Metadata field)

The Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC), 2008 defined field or fields of research relevant to the dataset.

Geometric object count (Metadata field)

For geospatial datasets, this is the total number of the point or vector object type occurring in the dataset.

Geometric object type (Metadata field)

For geospatial datasets, this is the name of point and vector spatial objects used to locate zero-, one-, and two-dimensional spatial locations in the dataset, for example curve, complex, composite, point, solid, surface.

Geospatial Coverage (Metadata field)

The geographical area covered by the data.

Geospatial Topic (Metadata field)

High-level geographic data thematic classification to assist in the grouping and search of available geographic data sets. Can be used to group keywords as well.

GIPA Act and public interest test

Under the GIPA Act, all government agencies must disclose or release information unless there is an overriding public interest against doing so. When choosing to release information, the agency staff must apply the public interest test.

Before releasing government information, an agency must weigh up the public interest considerations in favour of disclosing information against public interest considerations against disclosure. Agencies can only refuse access to information if the public interest against disclosure outweighs the public interest in favour of disclosure.

There are some limited exceptions to this rule. For example an access application may cause a significant and unreasonable impact on an agency’s resources and the application could be refused for these reasons.

The public interest test involves three steps:

  • Identifying the relevant public interest considerations in favour of disclosing information
  • Identifying any relevant public interests against disclosing information
  • Assessing the weight of the public interest considerations in favour of and against disclosure and determining where the balance between those interests lies.
  • There are limited and specific considerations against the release of information that an agency can take into account. These relate to:
  • Law enforcement and security
  • Individual rights, judicial processes and natural justice
  • Responsible and effective government
  • Business interests
  • Environment, culture, economy and other matters
  • Secrecy and exemption provisions in other laws.

Information Asset Creator

The person primarily responsible for the creation of the information asset. Can also refer to the name of the agency business unit which is responsible for the creation of the information asset.

Information Asset Custodian

The Information Asset Custodian is the member of the executive whose portfolio responsibilities best align with the business purpose of the asset. The Information Asset Custodian defines the asset and enforces the business rules on behalf of the owner.

Information Asset Owner

The Information Asset Owner is the agency head, however they may delegate this to the CIO. The Information Asset Owner has authority and accountability for the information asset.

Information classification

Formal definition of a common set of terms that are used to describe and represent a domain of knowledge.

Information Asset Steward

The Information Asset Steward is the Manager who is given responsibility by the Information Asset Custodian, for the maintenance, management, availability and improving data quality of an information asset, in accordance with the NSW Data and Information Custodianship Policy. The Information Steward is responsible for providing authorisation that an information asset complies with all legal, regulatory and policy requirements and can be made available via the Open Data Portal or other means of release.


Keywords are commonly used words or formalised words or phrases used to describe the subject content of the information asset.


Legal responsibility for acts or omissions.

Licence (Metadata field)

The licence type applied to assure the protection of privacy or intellectual property, and any special restrictions or limitations or warnings on using the resource eg CC BY 4.0, 3rd party licence, internal agency use only.

Lineage (Metadata field)

General explanation of the data producer's knowledge (or lack of knowledge) about the lineage of a resource. Covers history of both the source data and a summary of the processes involved in its transformation into the information asset. Source data – history can include description, scale(s), media type(s), date(s), and dates of events in the process. Processing steps – history can include the method for obtaining data; any intermediate processing methods, and the methodology.

Non quantitative attribute accuracy (Metadata field)

Attribute correctness. Maps to the metadata element Attribute Accuracy in the previous ANZLIC Core Elements Version 2 (2001).

DPI Information classification

DPI is currently developing information classifications. It is currently proposed that Level 1 and 2 classifications from the P Drive structure are used in conjunction with corporate information classifications based on Keyword AAA.

DPI Metadata Standards

Sourced from ANZLIC Metadata Profile v1.2 (2011)

DPI Naming Conventions

Vector Data Standard Naming Conventions and File Type Guidelines, and conventions for imagery and raster data are currently being reviewed.

Open data readiness

The information asset is suitable to be released publicly in accordance with the GIPAA public interest test (qv).

Other Constraints (Metadata field)

Historic metadata field. Only displays if necessary to support content in imported records (in association with Usage Constraints qv)

Parent Dataset (Metadata field)

Where a dataset is made up of other constituent datasets, it is the Parent dataset in relation to the others.

Publication Date (Metadata field)

The date that the information asset was published.

Publication Type (Metadata field)

For non-geospatial assets, this is information required to complete the citation that is not recorded elsewhere e.g. Annual report, Checklist, Corporate Plan, Fact Sheet, Media Release, Policy Document, Research Paper.

Registered custodian agency

This is the NSW Government agency that holds accountability and responsibility for the information asset. DPI is the registered custodian agency of all high value information assets it holds.

Service (Information Asset Details and Metadata term)

An overarching delivery area, as defined in DPI’s corporate ‘One Plan’ business planning and reporting framework. Under Services are Programs, which are sets of projects and activities delivering on a common identified outcome. In the IAR, Service Level One classification relates directly to DPI Services; and Service Level Two classification relates to DPI Programs.

Source Data Portal

Refers to the source of datasets that have been harvested from another portal/repository.

Source system (Metadata field)

The business application or system used to store the information asset, for example SDE database, Atlas of NSW Wildlife, TRIM, SALIS, AHIMS

Standalone dataset

A single asset that has a start and end date. For example, a native flora map of a region for 2014.

Standard concepts

Standard concepts include any standards applicable to DPI data and information. For example Data Quality Standards, Metadata Standards.

Standard DPI caveats


Status (Metadata field)

Describes the status of the resource eg Completed, Continually being updated.

Storage format (Metadata field)

The format in which the information asset is stored in the source system (qv), for example CSV, DOC, ESRI Shapefile, JPEG, JSON, Mapinfo MIF/MID, OGC:WMC, PDF, Text, XLS, XML, ZIP.

Tag(s) (Metadata field)

Free-form/uncontrolled terms to describe a resource, allowing flexibility to use relevant terms that are not in one of the controlled vocabulary fields such as DPI Service or Keywords (qv).

Temporal coverage (Metadata field)

The timespan the resource relates to.

Title (Metadata field)

This element represents the full formal name of the identified information asset. General users should easily understand the title. Should not contain short titles only distinguishable by the resource owner and should not contain any special characters. The title should have the “what”, “where” and “when” information relevant to the business use of the asset. The title should be in sentence-case format. The ‘Title’ field in the Metadata statement corresponds to the ‘Assign a title to the information asset’ field in Information Asset Details.

Topological consistency (Metadata field)

Correctness of the explicitly encoded topological characteristics of the dataset, as described by the scope.

Update Frequency (Metadata field)

Frequency with which changes and additions are made to the resource after the initial resource is completed Eg: Daily, Weekly, Never

Usage Constraints (Metadata field)

Equates to the historic metadata field ‘Access constraints’. Only displays if necessary to support content in imported records.

Use Limitation (Metadata field)

The detailed licensing provisions corresponding to the licence type selected in the *Licence field.